2 Tips For Coping With Your Anxiety Disorder Symptoms At Work

If you have an anxiety disorder, you may find that your symptoms are worse or that you have increased panic attacks at work. While seeking treatment for your anxiety can help you with the overall management of your anxiety, there are also a couple of things that you can do on a daily basis that can help you cope with your symptoms while in the workplace.

1.  Avoid Taking on More Work than You Think You Can Handle

One way that can help you cope with your general anxiety symptoms is to make sure that you do not take on more work than you think or know you cannot handle. While you may believe taking on extra work will make you look good to your employer, it may actually backfire on you.

If you try to do more than you can handle, you may start to feel overwhelmed at just the thought of getting it all done once you have time to sit down and think about it. This feeling of being overwhelmed may then turn into anxiety and maybe even a panic attack.

Because of the increased anxiety, the quality of your work may suffer. You may even not be able to get it all done, which will make you worry about losing your job and only serve to add to your anxiety.

2.  Speak to Your Manager to Set Realistic Deadlines on Work

Even if you only take on work that you know you can do, you may still have trouble with anxiety when you are facing a tight deadline. You may start to feel so much pressure as the deadline approaches that your anxiety levels go through the roof.

If you are having problems facing deadlines, speak to your manager to talk about your disorder. Explain to them that you know that you can do the work, but you need to have a realistic timeframe in which to complete it.

If you are unsure of exactly what to say, speak with a counselor beforehand so that they can help you find a productive way to communicate with your employer and/or supervisor.

Even if you use the tips above to help with your anxiety symptoms at work, you may still find that you have attacks for reasons that are not readily apparent to you. Make an appointment with a counseling center that offers anxiety therapy to speak to someone about your symptoms to see what they can do to help you. Contact an anxiety therapy service for more information. 
